Kearney Emergency Services Center, Tallahassee, Florida
Art by Judith Rushin, CRA Architects.
Informed by Research
Building physical facilities is expensive, and is best driven where possible by research findings. Conclusions from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, interior design, architecture, and social sciences are but a few areas that contribute to how we might build thoughtfully and effectively. Here you will find resources to aid your project.
Summary of Research Report
This report provides background on issues important to the design of shelters, day centers, and similar places that assist people who are unhoused. It addresses space planning, color, and lighting, and includes an executive summary and an extensive reference list.
This Interior Design Educators Council award-winning book examines architectural and interior design considerations, including space planning choices, circulation and wayfinding, visibility, lighting, and materials and finishes, for planning emergency shelters, transitional shelters, permanent supportive housing, day centers, and multi-service complexes. It provides readers with curated conclusions from empirical knowledge supported by experienced international designers’ perspectives. 
Further Reading
A brief annotated list of deeper-dive sources on trauma-informed design, TED talks, advocacy organizations, and guidelines documents.